quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2018

696 - 9 things toxic people always do (and what to do about it)

My dearest son Estêvão

Today it will be about toxic relationships

We have all had dealings with people whose behavior is unbelievably damaging. The harm in their behavior lies in its subtlety: you don’t see it coming until you’re caught up in it once again. Their behavior makes you doubt yourself: Did I do something wrong? Am I being hypersensitive? Am I overreacting? Am I reading this completely wrong?
Wouldn’t you love to be able to spot the tell-tale signs of toxic behavior before the storm descends on you and catches you unawares again? Being able to recognize toxic behavior puts you in a better position to handle interaction with a manipulative person.
Here is a list of examples of toxic behaviour some people use to manipulate others to their own advantage and how to minimize damage to yourself.

1) They are never act the same
Today they might be the best person you’ve ever known, charming and pleasant and tomorrow morning you’re met with the silent treatment. Of course, you immediately start wondering what you’ve done or said to upset them and immediately start trying to put matters right. But you can’t.
All you get is a cold shoulder or a look that tells you the depth of their displeasure with you. No amount of trying to find out what’s wrong or trying to make up for it helps.
Lesson: It’s not about you. It’s about them and their need to manipulate. Don’t try to please this person, you can’t. You’re not responsible for their mood, happiness, pleasure or displeasure.
If the person won’t discuss issue, it can’t be all that important, can it?

2) You’re always in debt to them
They’ll do you a ‘favor’ or gift you something, but it comes with a price tag attached. You receive an extravagant gift or something the person knows you’ve always wanted but can’t afford, and then a favor in return is asked. One that puts you in an award situation – usually something that the person knows you will loath to do.
Thing is you won’t always know when the demand will be made for the favor in return. The best course of action is to not accept gifts that are obviously out of proportion or any favors you didn’t ask for.

3) They come at you out of the blue
They don’t give you any warning. You’ll get a phone call and accusations will come raining down on you. You are completely unprepared for the attack, so you falter and immediately sound guilty and in the wrong. They have had time to stew over their grudges and you have no ammunition ready.
Be alert to this tactic and don’t get roped in. You’ll get sucked into their perspective of whatever drama they have created in their heads. The first time the person on the other side, takes a breath, take advantage of the momentary silence to end the conversation. You don’t have to listen to some else’s garbage and you don’t have to defend yourself.
You don’t even need to be right –if you can give up the need to be right, you’ll save yourself a lot of unnecessary anguish.

4) They project their feelings on you
I once had a new friend ask me in a very aggressive manner: Do you have a problem with me? I was totally taken aback and stumbled over my words, because I didn’t understand where the question could have come from. The ensuing discussion was a disaster with me ending up in tears.
It was many years later that I realized the reason I couldn’t give her a satisfactory answer, was that we were not talking about my feelings; we were talking about her feelings! She was not owning up to having a problem with me; it was easier for her to project her problem on me.
If someone’s statements or allegations against you feel foreign to you, as if you can’t relate at all, you can be sure it has nothing to do with you. Just let it be. You don’t need to defend yourself against an accusation that has nothing to do with you.

5) They are never wrong and they never apologize.
Toxic people defy all logic. Facts mean nothing to them. That they are right is all that matters and they’ll defend it forevermore.
They’ll twist the facts so thoroughly that you end up in an argument about details and situations that you don’t recognize.
I find the best strategy is to give up the need for an apology and also the need to be right. Just give it up. You’ll never be right anyway and an apology you also won’t get. Why wait for or demand something that you know is never forthcoming?
If you know in your heart of hearts what your truth is, that should be enough.

6) They’ll make you feel diminished, even about good things
These people can’t be happy for others. Whatever your good news, they find something to say about it to dampen your happiness. You have just bought ne new house, and the reaction is: Do you really want to live there of all places? You have a new person in your life and the reaction is: I hope he/she is a better conversationalist than the last one. You’re visiting Hawaii for the first time, and reaction is: That dump! Couldn’t you think of a better place to go to?
This type of person should be on your not-to-do list. If this type of reaction happens repeatedly, hit the delete button.

7) They’ll go offline to punish you
You’re still in the middle of planning an outing together or discussing a situation and suddenly the person is out of reach. You can’t get hold of them via text or emails and they don’t answer the phone. Meantime you’re in a state because you don’t know what’s going on. Does the silence have something to do with something you said or did? You wrack your brain and go almost insane with worry and confusion.
Obviously the person can’t face the situation and is punishing you. It is hurtful and cowardly behavior and if it happens repeatedly, you should reconsider if you want to stick around to be some idiot’s punch bag.

8) They’re masters at using innocent language to hurt
It’s an innocent enough statement or question but the tone in which it is delivered turns it into something nasty. There are many different ways to say: ‘So, who did you spend Christmas day with?’ Or ‘That’s sweet little dress on you.’
These snide remarks are aimed at belittling you. The best defense against this kind of behavior is to know your own value and to realize that nothing another person says about you, defines you.

9) They can’t have a discussion to resolve issues.
Toxic people have no sense of logic. You can have your argument planned and ready and they won’t respond to anything you say, but instead change the subject or dig out old unresolved issues all to confound you. If they can’t deny what you’re saying, they’ll find a way to apologize in such a way that you understand that what they did or said is your fault in the first place. You just can’t win an argument with this kind of person, so don’t even start.
Say what you have to say and don’t defend it; refuse to respond to anything that’s not relevant. It won’t help you win the argument, but at least you won’t get dragged into an unnecessary drama.

All my love to you

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